
How to use Swetlo?

1. Choose a template

Explore our extensive selection of professionally designed templates tailored to meet a variety of needs and styles.


Whether you’re looking for a sleek and modern design or something more creative and bold, we have the perfect template for you.


Browse our library and find the one that best matches your vision.

2. Customize it with AI

Utilize our powerful artificial intelligence to customize your website according to your preferences.


Our AI analyzes your choices and needs to offer personalized recommendations, whether it’s for content, images, or design.


Create a website that truly reflects you, effortlessly and stress-free.

3. Publish with one click

Once you’re satisfied with your creation, simply click on “Publish” to put your site online.


And that’s not all: with Swetlo, you have the option to associate your site with a custom domain name, whether it’s in .com, .fr, or any other extension of your choice.